Thank you for your faithfulness in supporting the work of Christ at Northwest Pentecostal Assembly.
User Agreement/Terms and Conditions
Every time you use the Northwest Pentecostal Assembly website to make donations or other payments to the church you affirm that (i) we are authorized to charge your designated payment method; (ii) we may submit charges incurred under your name for payment; and (iii) you will be responsible for such charges. There will be no refunds issued for funds donated.
Currency & Accepted Methods
All donations/payments are in Canadian dollars. Visa, Visa Debit, MasterCard & MasterCard Debit are accepted.
Personal Information
Any data collected during the giving process is accessible by our financial team for record keeping and tax receipting purposes only. We will not share donor information with any other parties. Personal information is collected only for ministry purposes. By providing your personal information during the donation process, you consent to have Northwest Pentecostal Assembly process your credit card and record your personal information.
If there are any changes to your personal information please update us by emailing
Tax Receipts
Tax receipts for donations of more than $20 are issued according to the Revenue Canada Agency guidelines at the end of each calendar year and mailed in February. Please email us at if you did not receive your receipt or by calling the church office at (780) 473-7756.
If you would like to donate through Canada Helps,
you will receive your income tax receipt from them.