Under the leadership of Dr. Jonathan Kienzler, the adults are currently Digging Deeper into our Wonder of the Word sermon series. In our Sunday sermon series we are going through the whole Bible in about 3 1/2 years. We have a Bible reading schedule and memory verse for each week. On Wednesdays we go deeper into the sections of Scripture we read last week and weren't covered in the Sunday sermon. It is great to learn more from the Word and have the ability to interact, ask questions and encourage each other in our walk with God.
The youth leadership team take turns leading a relevant Bible Study for the youth every Wednesday night. Recent studies include: Alpha: Basics of Faith, relationships, holiness, Who is Jesus Christ? On occasion they watch a video Bible Study on Right Now Media.
On Wednesday night, Angela and other team leaders alternate teaching the program. The children have fun playing various games, memorizing Scripture, learning Bible stories, singing and praising God. They have crafts and also earn points to buy various prizes from the Kids Club store.
This Tuesday morning ministry (9:45 - 11:30 AM), led by Moyra Feller, is a time of Bible Study and Prayer as well as fellowship and sharing.